Yea and verily I have been awoken! The spirits of Gloriana have chosen me to start a blog! I must say that things have changed since I were a lad!
Tis true that I love music, all sorts, but in particular the variety that your age calls 'classical'. Does everything have to be labelled to make sense, to help discern whether something might possibly fit your taste or view?
Vive la difference! Im not that keen on 'popular' music (whatever that really means!) but my children love it...durst it follow that I must not like it (because im into classical?!) , or talk about pop as it were superficial, deviod of content, meaningless repitition? Well actually.......
How is it that Children are keen observers of justice and fairness and yet myne children never let me listen or watch the news, watch a football match, watch /or listen to music : without a chorus of protest at myne "inflicting it upon them", "trying to brainwash them" ! All I want is half an hour of switching off after a day justice for parents! Surely the constitution can address this.....